
'Career Bite' - Charity Sector

Sixth Form Careers

Thank you so much to Catherine Hobson who presented an incredibly informative ‘Career Bite’ about working in the Charity Sector.

All those who attended left understanding the ins and outs of what a charity is and how it operates, the types of income they have, how they are funded and also how big they can be with many examples given. Catherine then covered the roles available in the Charity Sector (pretty much everything you can think of!) and detailed typical salaries in charity roles – which everyone agreed were actually better than expected and in line with those in other sectors.

With plenty of audience participation involved, the talk culminated with some real-life examples of people working in the sector including their journeys into their roles.

It was 50 minutes packed with information, tips and advice which proved to be very impressive and extremely useful.

Our next ‘Career Bite’ will be on Monday 10th December about Ernst and Young and their Apprenticeship schemes.

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'Career Bite' - Charity Sector