
Magistrates' Court Visit

Senior Careers

When I took over the role of Head of Futures at Churcher’s College, the Magistrates’ talk and Court visit was already well-established in our calendar. Over the last 10 years I’ve had the privilege of attending many of these, and have witnessed the impact that this insight has on our pupils. We have gone from taking 12 pupils once a year, to over 70 signing up this year as word spreads.

The preliminary talk at school, hosted by two Magistrates, is perfect as an introduction to the role of Magistrates’ and the Magistrates’ Court, with an accessible and fun quiz quickly engaging the pupils followed by a case study, with the pupils working in groups and then having a discussion facilitated by the Magistrates.

Having Magistrates delivering it, and sharing their personal experience and knowledge, builds a great foundation for the visit itself. It is always really nice when one or both of the visiting Magistrates are also showing us around the Court as the pupils feel that they know them already and relax into the formal setting more easily.

The background the pupils have learned comes to life as they are introduced to the Court, getting to sit in the different parts (the dock is always popular!); it is really useful to talk through who will be where and what they do before the Court sits. It is great to see the different Courts and how they are both similar and different depending on what they are used for. We have also been able to visit the cells on one occasion which the students found absolutely fascinating.

Many pupils sign up for this visit because they are interested in law as a career, but the main outcome that I witness that they get to see a different aspect of society and learn about the impact of deprivation, poor mental health, abuse, addiction and chaotic lives. Pupils come away reflective and humble. They also comment on the respect afforded to those that find themselves as a defendant, and also the humanity and fairness of the system as a whole. Many don’t go on to choose law as a future subject, but the visit is not actually about that…I see the awareness they gain as a citizen being far more important. We really appreciate this opportunity and those who make it possible.

Kirsty Verney, Head of Futures and Deputy Head of Sixth Form

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Magistrates' Court Visit