
Career Bites – Politics and Local Government

Sixth Form Careers

On Friday 9th March we held our penultimate ‘Career Bites’ of the term focusing on Politics and Local Government.

We were incredibly fortunate that Tom Horwood, Chief Executive of Waverley Borough Council and the Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP, Secretary of State for Education took time out of their week to talk to a keen group of pupils and parents about their roles.

Tom kicked off the event with a general introduction and progressed on to talking about the difference between Central and Local Government.He then covered a huge range of topics in an incredibly engaging and informative talk covering - the roles of Local Government, his role and career pathway, the huge range of opportunities and roles within Local Government and, finally, the routes in to them.

Damian then took over and delivered a highly energised and engaging talk about the roles of a Politician, the roles in Politics including the Civil Service and his career path from working in the Hospitality Sector in to Politics and, ultimately, becoming a Minister.

The session concluded with a Q&A session with many questions asked by both pupils and parents being fielded by Tom and Damian. The session provided a huge amount of food for thought over the weekend and Churcher's College would like to offer a huge thanks to both Tom and Damian for their time on Friday and to Mrs Amanda Gallagher for all her help organising the event.

The final ‘Career Bites’ of the term falls just in to the Easter holiday on Sunday 25th March as will concentrate on Musical Theatre.

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Career Bites – Politics and Local Government