
Sixth Form Networking Evening

Sixth Form Careers

On the evening of Wednesday 21st February our annual Networking Evening for the Lower Sixth took place. The purpose of this evening is to enable students to develop and practise their face-to-face networking skills. To prepare students for the event they all took part in one of two externally facilitated Networking Skills Workshops earlier in the evening run by local businessman and experienced networker, Robert Ingram. The workshops covered understanding the value of building a network of business relationships, an overview of how networking events operate and allowed students to practise some of the skills involved before the real thing later that evening.

After the workshops, students put their newly acquired knowledge and skills into practice on a group of superb volunteers who came along to enable our students to network with people they hadn’t met before.  After a few minutes, students relaxed in to the event confidently engaging with our volunteers and their peers in a networking environment. Although not the ultimate aim of the evening (it is more about practising skills than anything else), there were already plans afoot for further meetings, work experience organised and recommendations for other contacts. Despite most students being quite nervous about their first foray into networking they left the event full of new information and inspired by the conversations they’d had. Thank you so much to Mr Ingram and all our other volunteers for ensuring the evening was such a great success.

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Sixth Form Networking Evening