
Pink Week

Whole School Charity

This week Churcher's College will be taking part in PINK WEEK.

The aim of the week for both students and staff will be to have fun and at the same time learn more about breast cancer. We aim to raise money for Breast cancer UK as well as to raise awareness.

During the week there will be PSHE lessons on breast cancer delivered by sixth form staff to their respective forms.

The college prefects and captains of college will be working with their respective heads of houses and will be running either a cake sale, hot chocolate or something along those lines

During the lunch times from Monday to Wednesday there are going to be pink fancy dress dodgeball competitions run by PE department. The 1st, 2nd years will play on Monday. The 3rd and 4th years will play on Tuesday and lastly the 5th and 6th form will play on Wednesday. They will email the PE department before hand with their respective teams. Teams will pay to take part.

On the Thursday of that week, the school will be encouraged to wear as much pink as possible for the assembly where we will be getting a representative from Breast Cancer UK will come and speak to us all.

To finish off, on the Friday, we are going to be having another guest speaker who currently is fighting cancer and will speak to the Lower 6th in the Lecture theatre.

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Pink Week