
Churcher’s Holds ‘Cop26.5 Green Day’

Senior Caring for our Environment

On Monday 6 December 2021 Churcher’s College held its inaugural ‘Green Day’ – a chance to highlight eco issues to pupils and raise money for an ecological charity.

At lunchtime pupils had the chance to meet ‘Mother Earth’ and her fairy (aka art teachers Miss Humphries and Miss Mcneilage!), who told them about the best ways to recycle and then cut a big green cake which was sprinkled with fairy dust! 

Pieces of the cake, along with a whole host of green-themed bakes made by members of the school body, were then available for pupils to buy in aid of the charity, which is this year’s winner of Prince William’s and Sir David Attenborough’s Earthshot Prize for cleaning up our oceans via coral restoration projects. 

Additionally, pupils had the opportunity to play games promoting clean water and recycling, pot plants which will be placed in classrooms around the school and even try out the newest ‘green’ protein – locusts! Yum!

Flickr album: Green Day Event 2021 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default - Transparent


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Churcher’s Holds ‘Cop26.5 Green Day’