
House Music Competition

Senior Music

This year's House Music Competition showcased the musical talent from each house in a variety of classes - Junior Vocal, Junior Instrumental, Junior Ensemble, Senior Vocal and Senior Instrumental.

Adjudicating for a second year, Mr Neil Valentine had the unenviable task of choosing a winner from each category and then an overall winning house. The quality of each performance was very high, with Mr Valentine saying that he also took into consideration his 'clapometer' to help choose a winner due to each performance being so good.

Click on the image below to scroll through our Flickr gallery:

House Music Conpetition

The results were - 

Junior Vocal Class - Matilda Shapland (Collingwood)

Junior Instrumental Class - Jasper Jones - piano (Grenville)

Junior Ensemble Class - Grenville

Senior Vocal Class - Grace Moran (Rodney)

Senior Instrumental Class - George Whittle (Drake)


The overall winning house for the night was - Drake. Huge congratulations to them and to everyone who took part.

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House Music Competition