
Geography Trip to Iceland

Senior Trips

How can Iceland be summed up with mere words? A truly awe-inspiring country where the power of our planet can be seen in every part of the landscape.

Over four days in the Easter holidays, 30 Senior students came on a wonderful adventure to the motherland of Geography, witnessing first-hand the raw energy of tectonics from bubbling mud to exploding geysers, the pulling apart of plates to the geothermal heating of pools. Sitting on top of basalt columns, meeting the mouth of a glacier, walking behind waterfalls (and into elf homes), the students got to experience all that Iceland has to offer.

The sun shone, and whilst we didn’t see the Northern Lights (this time) we will be back! 

Flickr album: Geography Trip to Iceland, Easter 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Geography Trip to Iceland