
James' Tae Quan Do Success

Senior Achievements

Fourth Year James Troughton successfully graded for his Black Belt in Taekwondo this summer and has been selected to represent England in sparring at the upcoming ITF World Championships being held in Germany in April 2019.

James has been competing in National and International competitions for several years with good success, winning medals in Sparring and Patterns at most competitions.  As a coloured belt he has competed abroad in Budapest at the World Cup, the Holland Cup and the Dutch Open, the Italian Open and the Roma Open in Italy.

Although he has been training with the England squad for some time he was not eligible to be picked for the England team until he achieved his Black Belt.  He graded in July (two days after returning from a school First Challenge trip to Iceland) and passed first time, which is quite unusual.  He attended ITF England team selection days in September and October and he recently received confirmation that he was successful and has been selected to compete for England at the ITF World Championships in Germany in April next year. 

James on the podium at the Italian Open

He will compete in sparring as a Junior (14 to 18 year) -50 Kg Category.  In the buildup he will have to attend a number of squad training sessions all over the country and he will be competing at the Holland Cup in February.

[I have learned a lot about] perseverance - to never give up, and self-control – keeping calm in difficult situations, these play a significant role in my sparring and in everyday life.

James said: 

"I have been lucky enough to compete in quite a few international Taekwon-Do competitions, I feel that I have performed quite well as I have managed to win a few medals.  But more important than that, through competing I have gained a good understanding of my strengths and my weaknesses, [I have learned a lot about] perseverance - to never give up, and self-control – keeping calm in difficult situations, these play a significant role in my sparring and in everyday life.

I try hard to follow the tenants of Taekwon-Do - I try to be respectful and polite to everyone, especially my elders and instructors.  Taekwon-Do has also taught me discipline, I always try to turn up early to every class or event and I always try to be focused. It has encouraged me to try more things whether it’s to improve my Taekwon-Do, any other aspect of my life or just to increase my fitness.  I have also learned leadership by helping and training the lower grades."

James is currently looking to progress his involvement in the England Squad as well as taking umpiring lessons. 

We wish him all the best of luck! 

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James' Tae Quan Do Success