
Sixth Form Academic

Sixth Form Academic
Sixth Form (16 - 18)

A Level Results

The Sixth Form is an opportunity to specialise; to delve deeper into those areas of study that truly fascinate you.

With a wide variety of strong, widely-recognised A Level courses from which to choose, the Churcher's Sixth Form curriculum allows you to build a portfolio of excellence, demonstrating to university admissions tutors and employers a depth and breadth of understanding in a wide range of fields.

Although precise programmes of study vary, based on the individual, most students will study three A Level qualifications, with Further Maths being taken as an additional fourth. In addition to this, a number of the most academically inquisitive pupils will complete the Extended Project Qualification.

​​Sixth Form Prospectus

Explore what life in the Sixth Form at Churcher’s offers.

Sixth Form Prospectus

A Level Subjects

The subjects available for A Level study are:

Ancient History
Art & Design
AS Music Technology
Computer Science
Design & Technology
Drama & Theatre
English Literature
Music Enrichment
Religion & Philosophy
Sports Science


The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a qualification which is intended to sit alongside existing A Levels.

It is a research project, in which students with a genuine intellectual curiosity are given the opportunity to work independently – under the guidance of an appointed supervisor – towards investigating a chosen topic.

The project may be in any subject area of the students’ choices, and the outcome may be either in the form of a 5000-word essay and presentation or in the form of an artefact or performance.

Here is a selection of recent examples of EPQ’s:

  • How effective is the treatment model for acute lymphoblastic Leukaemia?
  • To what extent are games marketed to an audience whose age is lower than that of the ESRB rating of that game, and what negative impact could this and the surrounding controversy have?
  • Why is Grayson Perry’s Memory Jar so important in describing the relationship humans have with objects, memory and identity?

The EPQ is a perfect stepping stone to higher education and there are UCAS points attached to its completion.

Given the need for disciplined and independent work, precisely in the way that students will be expected to perform at undergraduate level, it is hardly surprising that universities look very favourably upon this qualification.