
Senior Academic

Senior Academic
Senior (11 - 16)

Pupils thrive in an atmosphere of high expectation and achievement

GCSE & A Level Results

We have a long history of examination and university success and pupils are taught in an environment which is stimulating, challenging and engaging.

The College strives for academic excellence, as well as providing pupils with the skills to question, debate and discover, both in the classroom and during independent learning. We are keen to develop thinkers who have the ability to tackle life’s challenges, and solve them.

Pupils display high levels of knowledge, skills and understanding in all subjects - ISI Report 2022

The academic departments at Churcher’s are grouped into the following Faculties:

Modern Languages
Performing Arts
Creative Arts

GCSE Options

Our annual GCSE Options booklet contains information on courses which will be studied in the 4th and 5th Year and lead to GCSE examinations. Students need to prepare themselves for a far wider range of Sixth Form choices than their predecessors, so the programme is designed to keep career and further education options open for as long as possible. The government has recently reformed the GCSE qualification and more information on numerical grades is contained in this booklet.

Download Booklet

Supporting Learning

In addition to more formal channels of academic support, most departments offer pupils drop-in support sessions with specific focus on examination syllabi and techniques.

These sessions provide pupils with the opportunity to receive individual attention to address any issues or problem areas that they may have encountered during lessons and to receive further support and guidance on examination technique and problem-solving scenarios.

Sprint Finish

Churcher’s runs a comprehensive programme of revision courses over the Easter holiday period, to aid exam preparation. It is open to internal students.

Through Sprint Finish courses, pupils have the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge of the syllabus and prepare exam techniques, helping them to maximise their chances of success in their mock and subsequent public examinations. 

Special Educational Needs

Churcher’s is proud to provide exemplary support for pupils with Special Educational Needs.

Our Head of Curriculum Support, Ruth Saunders, leads a team of three who specialise in helping pupils to maximise their potential by overcoming any educational difficulties they may encounter, whether they be in the classroom, in exams, at home, or anywhere else.

Pupils can feel confident that the Churcher’s Curriculum Support Department will ensure that their abilities are developed to their full potential, allowing them to enjoy their studies fully and maximise success in examinations. 

Beyond Sixth Form

To see details regarding university destinations and Higher Education courses studied by our alumni students, please visit our Futures page.