A thriving school community
The main purpose of the Parents’ Association (PA) is to promote a positive school community, build an effective partnership between home and school and raise funds for various initiatives, events or needed school items. The PA meets once a term at school.
We welcome parents who would like to join the P.A. – it is a great opportunity to make friends and get involved in school life.
All help is appreciated, whether it is a little or a lot, the team enjoys welcoming new members. Throughout the year, the PA successfully organises fundraising events, supports school events serving teas and coffees, such as Parents’ Evenings, Music and Drama Events. It is a highly valued group within school, which is very sociable and aims to have fun whilst helping the school and its pupils.
The school is very grateful for the excellent fundraising done by the PA, a few examples of items recently funded include: five house colour gazebos, a video drone, a video camera, a hockey scoreboard, two K2 canoes for Devizes to Westminster, a flagpole for CCF & Cricket, and hands-free kits for all school minibuses.
Get involved - we would love to have you on board!
Please contact Jo Mackay for more information.

PA Fire and Ice Event