
Summer success at Henley

Senior Sport

No, we have not suddenly turned into a rowing school, but in the small hours of a summer Sunday morning a group of 15 swimmers journeyed to Henley on Thames to swim in the Henley Classic; the 2.1km upstream challenge of the famous rowing course. The water was dark, calm and it was a balmy kind of warm. Let’s face it anyone who decides to swim at 4.00am in the Thames for some fun is a bit crazy. 

It was lovely to see familiar faces in the team, veterans if you like, and for some it was to be their ‘final swim’ for Churcher’s College. Thank you to Lizzie Rose and to Cameron Jones for the immense support you have given to School Swimming during your time here.

The event was not without incident. In the first few strokes Becky Alder had her goggles knocked off, but as they drifted into the depths of the Thames along came Andy Huckle the School Open Water Coach to the rescue. He selflessly gave Becky his goggles and proceeded to swim the 2 km upstream with none. What a star!

The swimmers excelled themselves, we had strength in depth and it really showed. 

A stream of Churcher’s Swimmers ploughed upstream, strong, steady and with a purpose.

In the event the Churcher’s Team retained the Henley Classic School’s Trophy, taking the Shield ahead of Taunton School who placed second and Exeter School placed third. It was a superb achievement, we had four swimmers placed in the Juniors top 10 and this made us pretty convincing winners as the first four swimmers in the team count. Henry Plewes 1st Junior Male, Rory Plewes 5th Junior Male, Alexander Sandberg 7th Junior Male and Becky Alder 3rd Junior Female in the 50 strong Junior Event. And then the list continues. Lizzie Rose 4th Open Female, Tom Parmenter 8th Junior Male, Ben Williams 9th Junior Male, Cameron Jones 31st Open Male, Abi Mason 8th Junior Male,  Ben McKay 15th Junior Male, William Hipsey 16th Junior Male. Well done to all of our swimmers, it was a fantastic display of grit and talent. Most impressive.

Two swimmers deserve a special mention. Becky Alder won Bronze in the Junior Female event and Henry Plewes won Gold as the fastest Junior Male. Remarkably, Henry also had the fastest time for the entire event of nearly 700 swimmers. That meant that he beat all the Elite Swimmers in his time of 28:41. Well done Henry.

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Summer success at Henley