
Wilfred Makes a Splash

Senior Achievements

In July this year Third Year Wilfred competed at the Ciutat de Barcelona diving competition, held bi-annually in the Piscina Municipal Montjuic, famous for being the 1992 Olympic pool.

Wilfred started diving at just 6 years old after giving it a go at a local swimming pool – he subsequently joined a local diving club for a summer holiday course and it quickly snowballed from there.  Wilfred later moved to join Southampton Diving Academy (and subsequently Churcher’s College) last year in order to be a part of a larger international Club with whom he could compete.

The Ciutat de Barcelona competition takes place in an outdoor pool - a location which brought new challenges for him such as windy conditions which he does not have to contend with in the indoor practice pool back home.

Wilfred Diving in Barcelona

This was his first time representing his new club and taking part in this competition, as well as his first time appearing on Spanish Television and standing on the diving board alongside an imposing TV camera and two cameramen.

Wilfred took part in a total of three competitions – 1 meter springboard (placing 5th), 3 meter springboard (placing 6th) and Platform (placing 5th).

A huge well done to Wilfred and we wish him the best of luck for his future diving ventures.

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Wilfred Makes a Splash