
Tennis Triumphs at Portuguese Academy

Senior Sport

The junior tennis tour this year ventured into south Portugal, to the wonderful city of Lisbon and the Beloura Tennis Academy.

Our first day was very hectic as we travelled to our hotel and then straight onto the tennis courts. The coaches split the groups into small numbers and away they went, into basket drills and assessments. Forehand, backhand and volleys completed the first session. On return to the hotel and a sea-view meal, we eventually retired excited for Day Two. 

The four hours of coaching each day were split between morning and afternoon sessions, and the groups were able to rotate around the specialist coaches who each advised them on aspects of their movement, positioning, swing action (get those elbows high on the follow-through!) and sliding on the red indoor clay courts! Each pupil had improved at least two areas of their tennis and was raring to use the new skills they had learned upon their return.

With three and a half full days of coaching, it is surprising that our tennis stars of the future had any energy left, but they did! After their afternoon antics in the pool, each night they wanted to take a stroll down to the Jumbo supermarket to stock up on provisions!  We had dinner at the best pizzeria in Portugal, strolled along the beachfront in search of ice-cream and played endless ten-pin bowling and table-hockey.

We returned home on the Saturday ready for the busy tennis season ahead and prepared for our first matches, which we won against both Lord Wandsworth College and Seaford College.

Watch out for details of next years’ tour, those 40+ places fill up fast! 

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Tennis Triumphs at Portuguese Academy