
History visit to Krakow

Senior Academic

Fifty four pupils and six teachers headed out to Krakow at the start of the Easter holidays for a History trip. 

The main focus of the trip was to visit Auschwitz and Auschwitz- Birkenhau and be witnesses to the Holocaust. We all found it harrowing and walked around both sites in total silence absorbing the appalling evil that took place there against a million Jews as well as gypsies, homosexuals, teachers and priests. We also visited the Schindler factory where the Oskar Schindler: a German, saved just under one thousand Jews. We were deeply provileged at the Galicia Museum to hear a Polish lady talk about how her family had hid a Jewish girl called Mira during the Second World War, at great risk to her family. 

We stayed in Kakrow and had a lovely time visiting the medieval centre and eating in two Polish restaurants, one of which held a folk evening and nearly every pupil got up to dance!

It was an amazing trip and one in which we all reflected deeply, and will continue to do so when we create a school assembly next term.

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History visit to Krakow