
Tilly Raises Some Dough

Sixth Form Charity

Earlier this term, Sixth Former Tilly organised a charity bake sale with fellow students to raise both money for and awareness of a friend's crippling disease, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.

Part of a larger drive to raise money, Tilly has also set up a GoFundMe page too. The bake sale was a huge success, filling up the dining hall with eager pupils only too willing to part with some cash in exchange for some yummy treats and all for a good cause. 

Tilly's Charity Bake Sale

Here, Tilly takes over the story to explain why she is raising money:

This is Amelia, my amazing friend.  She is 16 years old and she is living with CRPS or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Little is known about this debilitating and disabling condition which causes chronic and extreme pain; consequently, there is no cure.

CRPS is triggered by minor injury; in Amelia’s case this was a hairline fracture from playing football in September 2016. Since then, despite the fracture healing itself quickly, her foot remained in a state of intense pain and swelling, which then began to spread up her leg and has been consistent for the last 2 years, putting a stop to her football and other hobbies. Amelia now cannot bear the slightest touch to her leg which has left her unable to walk and she now relies on a wheelchair or crutches to get around. She has endured months of intensive physiotherapy and has spent two years in and out of hospital.

The Amelia before this crippling illness was full of optimism, enthusiasm and kindness towards others and it has been heart-breaking to witness her struggle to maintain her infectious and bubbly persona. Amelia does have extraordinary levels of courage and determination and is incredibly bright academically, so with the support of her amazing family, she took on five GCSEs this summer.  Against all the odds, and being in perpetual pain, she passed all five GCSEs, including achieving 3 As; an incredible feat!

For many, college symbolises a new lease of independence, which for Amelia will be harder to achieve. There is certain equipment required in order for her to experience some of the same freedoms as her peers. This will be a costly investment for her family so I urge you to donate what you can to help this resilient and inspirational girl and her amazingly supportive and loving family.

Please see the fundraising page here and if you feel able to, please do donate:

Donate Here


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Tilly Raises Some Dough