
Fantastic Atmosphere at Open Morning

Junior Open Events

Annual Open Morning 2018

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On Saturday 12 May Churcher's College Junior School & Nursery held their Annual Open Morning.

The school was a hive of activity with pupils across all age-groups running a whole range of activities including mathmatical art, war-time cooking and science experiments.

The pupils in the art department offered fun interactive workshops with visitors able to take part in pebble-painting and other craft activities; Year 5 enthusiastically ran Spanish and French cafes, offering some truly delicious treats to their "customers"; while Year 6 showed off their language skills in Mandarin Club. A particularly popular attraction was the newly-hatched chicks which garnered quite a queue of children and adults alike to take turns at cuddling, and there were numerous sporting activities including tennis matches, football drills and cricket as well as pupils showcasing their musical abilities.

Staff and pupils were on-hand to show visitors around the classrooms, nursery,  facilities and grounds, and answer any questions they may have had.

Head of the Junior School and Nursery, Ffion Robinson said,

This event showcased our fabulously happy children, extensive facilities and dynamic team of staff. The buzz generated by all the activities, children and parents epitomises the very special place Churcher’s College Junior School and Nursery is: a place full of limitless potential. 

A great morning was had by all and many thanks to all our visitors and to the children who took part.

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