
Churcher’s College ‘Career Bites’ - Engineering

Sixth Form

Thank you so much to Graham Murphy and Victoria Zubova from Remote Diagnostic Technologies for an incredibly informative and interesting presentation about careers in Engineering.

Graham led the presentation covering his route in to Engineering which lent a really personal and relevant touch to the talk - from A Level choices (and missed grades!), retakes and good decisions about the value of a Sandwich year and doing a Masters, to his route into Entrepreneurship, setting up his company and developing a completely new piece of life saving equipment.

Victoria, a graduate Software Engineer, and part of Graham’s team of seventy people, talked about one of their products, the Tempus Pro, her involvement in its development and her take on being an Engineer. Graham and Victoria both demonstrated the Tempus Pro (which has even had its 15 second of fame on 24 Hours in A&E) and its amazing ability to communicate medical information from remote areas to medical professionals enabling them to make decisions about patient care and prepare for incoming casualties.

The audience of almost 30 pupils and parents were completely absorbed for an hour and there were lots of questions put to both Graham and Victoria in the Q&A session and informal chat afterwards.

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Churcher’s College ‘Career Bites’ - Engineering