
New Year’s Eco Resolutions!

Junior Caring for our Environment

At Churcher’s College Junior School and Nursery we have been thinking about our New Year resolutions and aspirations.  As a school community with the help of the pupil-led Eco Council we are hoping to make a big difference by all working together and we want to make some green new year’s resolutions for 2022! 

Eco resolutions for 2022

Every time anyone at the school makes an ‘eco choice’ or ‘eco swap’ at made at home, we will add a leaf to our 'Eco Tree'. 

The message from our Eco Council is “no one is too small to make a difference.”  

Parents and children can post a message in the school eco box and the Eco Council make a leaf for each and every eco effort. We hope that by putting up one small leaf at a time, these small ‘eco choices’ will create a big impact over time. This will show all of us in our school community that every little helps if we all work together. 

Eco Council give eco tips and swap suggestions every week in the school's newsletter to the school community and they would like to share some of their eco tips here:

“… get a soda stream.  This means we use less plastic bottles.’ 

“… if you do lots of washing you can get a laundry egg, it saves lots of plastic bottles and lasts a long time.” 

 “I think people should car share as this is much better for the environment.”  

"Don’t forget to take your water bottle with you when you go out… so you can refill it and not buy bottled water.”

Tips written by the children on our Junior School and Nursery Eco Council


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