
Talented Student is Oxford University Coding Challenge Finalist

Sixth Form

The Oxford University Computation Challenge (OUCC ) is an invitation-only challenge for talented UK students to produce programmed solutions to computational thinking problems. In the first round, Churcher’s student Oliver Fogelin scored an impressive 64/66 in the Elite category which qualified him for the final in March.

Karen McCathie, Head of Technology at Churcher’s College, explains: “Although Oliver did not win overall in the final, we were extremely proud of him as he was one of only 20 UK students invited in the Elite category in the UK. The Elite category is for Sixth Form students, all the more impressive in Oliver’s case as he is still only 16.”

To be invited to take part in the OUCC students must achieve a top 10% score in the UK Bebras Challenge. Oliver achieved this score with a distinction grade. The UK Bebras Challenge is a computational thinking competition that aims to expose students to a new way of thinking.

More on the OUCC

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Talented Student is Oxford University Coding Challenge Finalist