
Year 6 Pupils Win Poetry Competition!


Well done to the Year 6 Poetry Club for winning the 2020 Holme Grange Poetry Performance Remote Competition. They performed and sent in via video link, Hilaire Belloc's amusing poem 'Jim' which is a cautionary tale for children to do what their parents say, or they might get into trouble! 

Judge Liam Webster, an English teacher from Salesian College, said "The characterization was outstanding, and the group managed to sustain my attention through the narrative. Attention to rise in tension and crescendo of voice when the lion was eating up poor Jim from toe and upwards was delightful. I just loved this experience and the craft in both the performance and direction of the poem. My congratulations on being the deserved winners of this section."

Mrs Roberts, who runs the Poetry Club, notes that we have won this challenging competition three times in the last five years. Huge congratulations go to Zoe, Edith, Zoë, Emma, Tatym, Scarlett and Mrs Roberts who all helped design and choreograph the whole poem.  

You can watch their performance below

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Year 6 Pupils Win Poetry Competition!