
Save The Koalas

Junior Caring for our Environment

Churcher's College Junior School pupil Emily (Year 6) was so moved by the plight of koalas affected by the recent fires in Australia, that she decided to hold a colouring competition to raise funds to help them.

She organised for colouring sheets to be sold at the end of school over several days with the prize of a big bag of sweets to be awarded to infant, middle school and upper school winners.

She worked extremely hard on her Save The Koalas project and we were so proud to announce that she managed to raise almost £200 for the Koalas. 

Emily awarded prizes in assembly and many congratulations to our overall winner  - Emily S in Year 4 for her thoughtful design depicting fire and new life.

Thank you to everybody who supported this excellent project and a big well done to Emily for organising it. 


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Save The Koalas