
Churcher’s College A Level Results 2019

Sixth Form

The Best Ever!

25.8% A* and 61.4% A*-A

A Level Results 2019 Churcher's College

When something gets repeated time and time again one can become desensitised to the news, and I would have liked to have avoided using the phrase ‘record-breaking’ once again in respect to Churcher’s A level results, but that is what they are; outstanding, our best ever, record-breaking.

Once again the students at Churcher’s have smashed all expectations of them; they have absolutely excelled in the classroom and outside.

In a year in which our hockey players have lifted national trophies; our computer coders have snapped up international cups; our canoeists have paddled to top places on the podium; in which more of our musicians have achieved top grade eight instrumental status than ever before; a year that sees our Duke of Edinburgh achievement levels in the top echelons of the national rolls of honour; which sees our actors achieve critical acclaim from top professionals in the industry and our artists and engineers collect awards and rewards aplenty, it is an absolute delight that all this has obviously not been to the detriment of academic success. That maxim which goes: ‘if you want a job done well give it to a busy person’, seems to hold true here!

This glorious success story is part natural talent, part brilliant teaching, but probably mostly the influence students have on each other. When everyone has a common aspiration to be the best they can be, the inspiration and influence infects all. Add to that the delightful camaraderie of a shared adventure and you have a heady mix that brings outstanding rewards. What a joy it can be to be a teacher!

Simon Williams


A LevelTotal A Level ExamsProvisional Cumulative Percentage

Listen to two of our students talk about their A Level results and future plans on Petersfield Radio:

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A Level Results Day 2019

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Churcher’s College A Level Results 2019