
Junior School: Marking WW1 Centenary


Churcher's College Junior School commemorated the WW1 Centenary in a number of ways.

Poppy Installation - Churcher's College

Poppy Installation

Each child in the school was given a poppy on which they wrote a “thank you” to the  First World War generation who helped to shape our world as we know it today.  The children did this in school, and then they were added to with their friends and family’s poppies.  A team of adult helpers then worked together to hang all these poppies to make a curtain of remembrance as a visual reminder of the occasion, which was installed in the entrance hall of the school. 

Peak Centre Visit - Churcher's College

Peak Centre Visit

Our Year 6 pupils had the opportunity to talk to elderly members of the community from the Peak Centre about their war time experiences and together they added their own messages to the art installation.  The children and adults shared a wonderful morning together, with cups of tea, poppy cakes and plenty of conversation

Special Remembrance Assembly

On Friday 9th November we had a special remembrance assembly and were privileged to welcome a 94-year-old World War II veteran, Arthur Bailey (First Class Trained Airborne Soldier) who recounted his part in the D-Day Landings, and Corporal Montgomery Buick, SAS Falklands veteran.  They brought the Remembrance Service to life as they shared their experiences and memories with this children.  The assembly ended with a moving rendition of the Last Post played by a Year 5 pupil to mark the end of our two-minute silence.  

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Junior School: Marking WW1 Centenary