
Junior School and Nursery Summer Concert

Junior Music

Over fifty performers took part in the annual Summer Concert.  From harp to bassoon, jazz to folk, ensembles to solos, the pupils of CCJS showed off their musicianship and performance skills in a dazzling array of pieces.

The concert was a great platform for the school’s ensembles to perform; Ballistic Brass, Wacky Winds, Ukulele Group, Sensational Strings, Glee Club and the Advanced Recorder Group all gave assured performances.  The audience were treated to many solos items, showcasing the breadth of musical talent within the school. 

An aim of the school is to foster a willing ‘can do attitude’ amongst the pupils, and to take ownership of mistakes in order to learn and move forward.  It was great to see the performers putting this in action on stage and really proving how adept and resilient they are to performing with nerves, not being afraid to try again, and knowing that their best efforts are always good enough.  The audience were hugely supportive and the children did themselves proud.

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Junior School and Nursery Summer Concert