
Combined Cadet Force (CCF) Marches Forward

Senior Adventure

Our CCF is fully up and running this term with over 200 cadets taking part (including 100 new recruits who have joined up this term into either Royal Navy, Army or RAF sections).

Weekly Parades, with social distancing and also working in year group bubbles, has meant slight changes to our syllabus and programme but there is still so much that the cadets can work on and aim to achieve.

Our first Field Day for all our new Third Year cadets in RAF, Army and Royal Navy took place last week. RAF new recruits spent the day learning about the history of flight and in particular the huge changes seen in aircraft and the RAF over the last 100 years, at the RAF museum of flight in Hendon, whilst Royal Navy cadets developed skills and confidence as they took to mountain bikes in QE Park and Army cadets spent their day in Bramley Military Training Area, learning the basics of how to survive in the field as a soldier whilst remaining concealed and effective in patrol and movement. A second Field Day enabled our Fifth Year and Upper Sixth army cadets to spend the day ‘live firing’ the cadet rifle at targets on one of the local outdoor Army Ranges.

Flickr album: CCF Autumn Term 2020 | Height: auto | Theme: Default


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Combined Cadet Force (CCF) Marches Forward