
New First & World Expeditions Launched for 2021 & 2022

Senior Adventure

The Adventurous Activities Department have recently launched their 2021 First Challenge Romania Expedition aimed at Third-Year pupils and also our 2022 South America World Challenge Expedition, aimed at current Fourth, Fifth and Lower Sixth year pupils.

These hugely exciting overseas expeditions provide unique opportunities to our pupils to spend extended time together in a foreign country, trekking, contributing to local community projects and developing many important life skills alongside their friends, teachers and Expedition Leaders, as well as those all-important life long memories.

Below you can see photo galleries from previous expeditions:

First Challenge Trip to Norway

Flickr album: First Challenge: Norway 2019 | Height: auto | Theme: Default

First Challenge Trip to Iceland

Flickr album: First Challenge 2018 Trip | Height: auto | Theme: Default

World Challenge Trip to China

Flickr album: World Challenge China 2018 | Height: auto | Theme: Default



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New First & World Expeditions Launched for 2021 & 2022