
£1235 Raised for The Kings Arms charity

Junior Charity

Churcher’s College Junior School raises £1235 for The Kings Arms charity

In a special Christmas assembly School Council pupils presented Mandy May from The Kings Arms charity a cheque for £1235.

The Kings Arms is a Petersfield charity which runs a range of clubs and activities to help local young people fulfil their potential and know their worth.

The charity donation was raised through a variety of activities by the staff and pupils at school, including:

  • Making and selling 2018 calendars featuring the children’s artwork, produced by Year 6 children
  • Donations from at the school carol concert on Monday 12th December in St Peter’s Church
  • Funds from school musicians ‘busking’ on the Junior School & Nursery stall at the Haslemere Christmas Fayre on Sunday 3rd December
  • Funds raised at the Junior School & Nursery Christmas Fayre on Saturday 2nd December.  The children decided rather than having presents themselves they would rather donate the money to help Young Carers have a special Christmas party.

Mandy May, Target Work Manager at The Kings Arms, said: “Wow, how amazing!  Thank you very much to the pupils and families for all their contributions, this will really help The Kings Arms to provide 3 Christmas parties for Young Carers and also to help take them on a short break.  It makes such a difference, thank you!”

Ffion Robinson, Head of Churcher’s College Junior School, said: “I am very proud of what the pupils have achieved for this wonderful, local charity. They have worked hard throughout December to raise as much money as possible for The Kings Arms.  Well done, children!”

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£1235 Raised for The Kings Arms charity