
Fishing and Fearless Jumps on OSCA Trip

Senior Adventure

Second Year pupils enjoyed an unforgettable overnight OSCA trip to the picturesque Isle of Purbeck and the historic Jurassic Coast.

The excursion saw pupils engaging in a variety of activities that blended learning with adventure, making for an enriching and exhilarating experience.

One of the highlights of the trip was the fishing expedition, which brought smiles all round as pupils successfully caught several fish.

They learned about each species they landed, gaining hands-on knowledge about marine life. A particular favourite was the mackerel, which had been caught and gutted by the fishing crew. The freshly caught fish was later cooked on an open fire, and many students were eager to taste the fruits of their labour.

The Oscaneers also faced a series of thrilling challenges that pushed them out of their comfort zones. They started with belly flop jumps into a rock pool, working up the courage to jump from various heights into the ocean.

The bravery and determination displayed were commendable, and the smiles on each pupil’s face as they completed each jump were a testament to their sense of achievement and joy.

This trip not only provided adventure but also helped pupils build confidence and resilience.

Flickr album: OSCA June 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Fishing and Fearless Jumps on OSCA Trip