
Coronation Copse Planted


Our new and outgoing Captains of College led the planting of a new 'Coronation Copse' at the Senior School to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III, this week. 

Located at the end of Nicholson’s Field, near the top netball courts, the new copse complements the nearby original 'Coronation Copse', planted some 86 years ago near the eastern Love Lane entrance, to celebrate the Coronation of the current King's grandfather, King George VI, in November 1937.  

The 1937 issue of the Churcherian reports, "In honour of the Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, a clump of trees was planted on November 20th in the field. Some of them were the gift of Form VI. The plantation consists of three oaks (Quercus coccinea splendens), four poplars (populus trichocarpa), four poplars (populus alba nivea), three maples (acer platonoides), one Ailanthus glandulosa, and two birches. Long may they thrive". 

The new Copse incorporates three Acer campestre 'Elsrijk', two Carpinus betulus, two Quercus ilex and three Quercus robur. Long may they thrive, indeed! 

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Coronation Copse Planted