
A Lesson in History in Ypres and the Somme

Senior Trips

Belgium was the destination and the First World War the topic for 57 Third Year pupils just before Spring half term. 

Pupils were fascinated to explore the First World War battlefields, with stop-offs at places such as the Lochnagar crater, Beaumont Hamel along with the huge and moving war memorial at Thiepval.

The group stayed in Ypres and explored the two very contrasting cemeteries of Tyne Cot and Langemark with knowledgeable guides bringing alive the tragedy of the First World War.

Pupils were able to experience the Last Post played under the Menin Gate Memorial where the traditional final salute to the fallen is played by the buglers of the Last Post Association in honour of the memory of the soldiers of the former British Empire and its allies, who died in the Ypres Salient during the First World War

The trip ended on a lighter note, with a trip to the chocolate shop and everyone agreed the whole visit had been an eye-opening one. A great way to end the first half of term. 


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A Lesson in History in Ypres and the Somme