
‘Phase 1’ of our exciting new building almost complete!


The first phase of Churcher’s College 2500m² brand new building is almost complete! 

Click here to watch the building progress

At Easter 2021 the bespoke, Design and Technology C.A.D. and C.A.M. workshops and design studios and the spacious, nine new classrooms for Mathematics and Classics will be ready for pupils to use.    

Ten years from concept to completion, the construction of the building began in July 2019 with the second and final phase of the build scheduled for completion in the summer, ready for pupils in September 2021. 

Phase 2 of the project will extend the Music department and locate all its facilities in one central location.  The new building will provide a 250 seater auditorium - an acoustically engineered performance, assembly and exhibition space - orchestral rehearsal rooms, 15 new musical instrument lesson and practice rooms, plus GCSE and A Level music classrooms.   

Simon Williams, Headmaster at Churcher’s College, commented: “In these days of highly prescriptive syllabi, of detailed adherence to exam mark schemes, it is easy to lose creativity but, in the work place, one talent we cannot do without is creative thinking. This stunning, huge new building will inspire and enthuse the children and develop talents and interests which will stand them in such good stead for the rest of their working and leisure lives.”   

The year 2022 is a very significant landmark for the school, 300 years since Richard Churcher founded Churcher’s College. It is difficult to think a better way to celebrate this tercentenary or to herald in the next 300 years than a building that encompasses Mathematics, Technology, Design, Music with a foundation firmly planted in the classical years gone by.  


2005Due to ever-increasing pupil numbers, the initial idea of a new building for Music and D&T plus more classrooms is conceived. 
2011The strategic development plan for the school includes confirmation of a major new building project targeted for 2019 completion. 
2013The outline design brief is finalised. 
2014All aspects of the project and its cost are reviewed.  The architect is appointed for a feasibility study. 
2016Further review of design, project options and costs with QS input.  
2017Internal value engineering and scheme review to optimise budget and cost per m2. 

Planning consent gained!   

Building will be a two-year programme in two phases and includes external support from a Government Steering Committee. Start date deferred to 2019, the new building will open in 2022, the 300th year of Churcher’s College. 

2019Decision to proceed and contractor appointment. 
Jul 2019The build begins with the demolition of the Design & Technology building. 
Oct 2019Phase 1 groundworks. 
Dec 2019Phase 1 steelworks commence. 
Mar 2020Phase 1 brickwork, roofing and windows externally plus M & E works continue despite the lockdown. 
Apr 2020Music building demolished with groundworks & steel frame installed for Phase 2. 
Jan 2021Phase 1 fit out inside.
Phase 2 continues with roofing, brickwork and glazing. 
Feb 2021     Phase 1 building contractor due to finish.
Mar 2021Phase 1 move in begins ready for use at Easter 2021.
Jul 2021Phase 2 works completed.
Aug 2021Phase 2 fit out inside and external landscaping completed.
Sep 2021Building complete  and ready to use!
300th academic year of Churcher's College begins...

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