
Churcher’s Hosts Climate Change Q&A with East Hampshire MP Damian Hinds

Senior Caring for our Environment

On Friday 18 October, the MP for East Hampshire Damian Hinds came into Churcher’s College Senior School to take part in a Q&A session with pupils about Climate Change.

Eleven students asked questions which at times lead to wider discussion all in a ‘Question Time’ format.

Questions asked included:

  • “Do you acknowledge that climate change is real and poses an immediate threat to the environment and our health and safety? What specific goals and measures do you support for reducing the UK’s carbon emissions?” – asked by William Lall (First Year)
  • “In the wake of BREXIT, how realistic is it that a Conservative Government is going to prioritise tackling climate change and be able to fund mitigation and adaptation strategies?” – asked by Molly Steele (Upper Sixth)
  • “How do you feel about Extinction Rebellion? Do you support the move this week to prevent them from protesting in London?” – asked by Jackson Wilks (Third Year)
  • “How do you feel about Greta Thunberg and the ‘Fridays for future’ school strike movement? Do you think that children should take a stand or be in school?” – asked by Millie Cooke-Priest (Third Year)

Jude Franklin and Eva Ihezue, as the school council environmental representatives, chaired the event which was recorded as a podcast for Petersfield Radio. Eva and Jude said:

“Having met Mr Hinds a week prior at the Hopeful Earth conference, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to contribute further to the school’s eco efforts by chairing a question panel with him on such topics. As the eco representatives on the school council we thought that it would be interesting to learn more about what steps are being taken within the government to combat climate change and pollution. Working closely with [teacher] Mr Lofthouse we are attempting to affect change from within the school.”

We certainly had some thought-provoking and intelligent questions asked by our enthusiastic pupils and we wish to extend our gratitude to Damian Hinds for taking part.

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Churcher’s Hosts Climate Change Q&A with East Hampshire MP Damian Hinds