
Ten Tors 2019


Last half term groups of students took part in the gruelling Ten Tors Challenge.

Teams navigate routes of 35, 45 or 55 miles (depending on age) over the northern half of Dartmoor, visiting ten nominated tors / check points in under two days. Teams must be self-sufficient, carrying all that they need to complete their route and stay out overnight safely.

It is a huge achievement to take part in this event and we are hugely proud of all the students who took part.

Mr Cardwell describes the event in his own words below:

"In May this year we embarked on the Ten Tors challenge with some largest combined group of students for many years, with 3 35-mile challenge teams and 2 45-mile challenge teams.

"This year the weather was looking good, however this would set a different kind of challenge as it was so hot that dehydration and heat stroke were a serious concern.

"With the course issued the day before, the groups set about frantically working out their routes, looking at every contour, checkpoint and path along the way. By the end of the day the groups were ready, route made, kit checked and plans made ready for an early start.
As Saturday dawned everyone was up early to make their way through Okehampton camp to the start. The start of the Ten Tors is a unique experience as a mass start. Thousands of challengers and staff stand on the hill awaiting the start. With the sight of two Royal Navy Merlin helicopters passing low through the Valley as two field guns fired, the Ten Tors Challenge had begun. Students from across the country poured down into the valley and into the distance, hopefully in the right direction.

"From then on the long wait began, with only occasional transmission from their gps trackers we set about plotting the groups along their routes, all teams making good progress throughout the day.

"On Sunday morning the staff woke, and with the help of some parents, set about dismantling the camp. Midway through the morning the gps tracking suggested that the groups would start to come in. As we gathered at the finish line we sore the First Churchers team come in, shortly followed by the rest around an hour between each group. As the passed the finish line applauded by hundreds of supporters the sense of relief was evident from the challengers. With blistered feet and sore backs, the students finished waving the Churchers flag high and with a few photos later they were finished.

"A tough Challenge for the students and staff but one of the most rewarding for all involved. A huge congratulations to all the students on their achievements. Well Done!"

Mr Cardwell

Take a look at all the photos from this year's challenge here: 

Ten Tors 2019

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Ten Tors 2019