
Abseiling for Charity

Senior Charity

Lucas Ely and Barnaby Lewis, both fifth Year pupils, were thrilled to completed a 180 foot abseil on 30 September.

They took part in Arundel Abseil at Arundel Castle, which ran two ropes side by side down the side of the Bake House Tower so that friends could complete the challenge together.

Lucas and Barnaby were the only teenagers taking part in over 430 abseilers and were raising money specifically for the charity Home-Start which helps struggling local families. To date, the boys have raised a fantastic £1,076 and counting for Home-Start Butser families. 

After completing their abseil, the Duchess of Norfolk, whose family live at Arundel Castle, presented the boys with their medals. 

Lucas then stayed on to help calm the nerves of other abseilers at the top of the tower while Barnaby, unperturbed by his experience, had a tennis match to play!

Well done to Lucas and Barnaby on a fantastic achievement.

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Abseiling for Charity