
D&T Exhibition 2018

Senior Academic

When, as a guest visiting the exhibition, you walk in to the gymnasium, see the mood lighting, carefully staged project work and pristine paper work mounted on display boards it belies the frenetic effort which has been undertaken to reach this stage. The collective hours taken to complete the practical alone are staggering; 72 pupils working for two months supported by seven staff during lesson time alone adds up to 19 hours per individual. Add to this the extra-curricular time given to ensure products are to the standard we expect and the collective input is nearly 5,500 hours over the eight to ten weeks we allot for the manufacturing period.

One common theme witnessed each year by Design & Technology teachers alike is the transformation of hundreds of components which are painstakingly created and which for what seems like an awful long time, bear no resemblance to a GSCE/A level project; however, slowly from the sawdust and metal swarf, completed projects spring to life. The most fantastic reward though, has to be the look of achievement and pride each individual pupil shows, regardless of how humble they try to be, in light of what they have made.

I am incredibly proud of what the pupils at Churcher’s College have designed and made over the last year and congratulate them on their design flair and perseverance. I would also like to thank the staff who go over and above to ensure all pupils feel supported and provide skill and knowledge to help create some wonderful outcomes.

S. Eddington

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D&T Exhibition 2018