
Churcher’s on the Somme

Senior Trips

The Third year History trip to Ypres and the Somme at the end of last half term was a great success.

Our guide Rob gave us a particularly memorable talk at the Hawthorn Ridge redoubt when he sent the pupils ‘over the top’. This helped the pupils to visualise this terrifying experience of being there during fighting and made them particularly aware of the topography of the land.

As well as visiting the Somme salient and the Thiepval Memorial, we went to the moving British cemeteries of Lijssenthoek, Tyne Cot, and the German cemetery of Langemark.

On the final day pupils enjoyed finding chocolate shops in the beautiful town of Ypres, going the excellent ‘In Flanders Fields’ museum and finishing the trip at the striking Canadian war memorial of Vimy Ridge and walking through the trenches there.

We will be back next year!

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Churcher’s on the Somme