
Biennial Inspection 2019

Senior CCF

On a cold, bright day in early November we were extremely privileged and proud to welcome Admiral Sir Philip Jones KCB, DL, MA(Oxon) to school to inspect our CCF on our Biennial Inspection.

The day commenced with a full formal parade square inspection of our whole CCF contingent by Sir Philip and other accompanying dignitaries and special guests. This offered an opportunity for Sir Philip also to talk to individual cadets about their experiences as cadets and ambitions for the future. On completion of the inspection of all three sections, Royal Navy, Army and RAF, including our cadets from TPS, all cadets were led by Sam Rose and our banner party in a march past and salute to Sir Philip. Accompanied throughout by the splendid Senior Wind band, this was an impressive and stirring sight.

The afternoon was full of activity for all cadets and also represented a key part of the inspection process, offering Sir Philip and other officers and guests the opportunity to tour the many areas of our school site where cadets were fully engaged in their training. Whilst the official inspection report will not be with us until later in the year, it was clear from verbal feedback that Sir Philip and other guests had all thoroughly enjoyed their day and were extremely impressed by our cadets and their training programme.


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Biennial Inspection 2019