
Gus' Last Try

Senior Sport

The U16s pulled off a brilliant win at Reading Bluecoat before half term, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat! They were behind for most of the match but kept at it, showing amazing resilience and persistence, and won with two great tries in the last 5 minutes.

It was particularly poignant because it was Fifth Former Gus Brockwell’s last game before a chest operation which will sadly mean he won’t play again for the school. In a fairy-tale finale to the game Gus scored the final try – his first and last for Churcher’s – to secure the victory. The final score was 39-28.

Thankfully, this does not signal the end of Gus’ involvement in the game as he is soon to embark on a referee course. We wish him the very best of luck.

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Gus' Last Try