
Leadership Field Day

Senior CCF

Each year we take a small but very committed group of Combined Cadet Force (CCF) cadets on our Senior Cadet Leadership Camp.

Commencing after school, seventeen Fifth Year cadets packed up tents and headed to Stedham Campsite. After pitching their tents and a quick ball game to settle in, training then started with the last of their ‘Cadet Forces Instructional Techniques’. This training was delivered by 2Lt Tipper and the cadets then completed an assessed practical delivering instruction themselves in camouflage, concealment and drill.

A hearty dinner was then consumed followed by a campfire and ‘smores’. The next day, a professional leadership training company spent the day with the cadets training them in ‘Follow-ship’ and Leadership and the transformation of the cadets both in their confidence and ability was plain to see.

On completion, all the cadets agreed that they had learned a huge amount - not only about taking the lead but, most importantly, that being a good member of a team, and supporting their leader, was key to success.

Well done to all the Fifth Year cadets that took part; we look forward to seeing this training and your honed talents, being used to great effect within the CCF in the future as you take on the most senior roles in the Contingent.

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Leadership Field Day