
Pupil Awarded RAF Flying Scholarship

Senior CCF

Churcher’s College 5th Year (Year 11) pupil, Sam Redfern has been awarded one of only 32 RAF Flying Scholarships available annually for CCF Cadets nationwide.

Sam was nominated by Churcher's College CCF RAF Section, along with a number of other Churcher's Cadets, for consideration by the RAF and found out he had secured one of these highly coveted placements last week. The scholarship is for 12 hours of flying over a 2-week period at a flying camp with other aspiring young pilots this autumn. This should enable Sam to fly solo by the end of the camp.

Sam has already started flying having worked in a local pub washing-up in the kitchens for over a year to fund his flying lessons and has been a Cadet in the RAF Section since he was in the 3rd Year. Commenting on his success he stated:

I have always wanted to fly and joining the CCF RAF section at school was a step forward.  Now successfully being awarded this RAF Flying Scholarship will help make my dream come true.  I cannot wait!

Churcher's College RAF Section Commander, Flt Lt Ian Crossman commented “The ACPS is a highly competitive programme, so this is a superb achievement by Sam to have earned himself a place on the course. Sam's passion for flying has been hugely in evidence throughout his time with us in the CCF, so I know that he is going to gain a great deal from this experience and that he is going to impress his tutors, as he has impressed us, with his knowledge of, and enthusiasm for, aircraft and aviation.”

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