
Eddie Raises £550 for Youth Charity

Senior Charity

Congratulations to 13 year old Eddie (Second Year) who has successfully climbed the equivalent of the height of Snowdon, raising a total of £550 for The Kings Arms youth charity.  

Eddie and his family usually go hill walking every Easter, however as lockdown put paid to that this year, Eddie thought he would measure the height of Snowdon (1085m above sea level) and then the height of his stairs (3m) and then ran up and down them 362 times. 

He also had a good go at beating or matching the average time it takes to walk up the mountain of 3 hours and managed to complete the challenge in just under 3 and a half hours.  

Eddie explains why he chose to support the Kings Arms charity: 

They are a local Petersfield Charity who provide support for young carers. Lockdown is hard for us all, but it must be even harder if you are a child carer and having to care for somebody at home too. 

He carried on to say: 

I'd like to thank everyone who has sponsored me. My target was £100 so I was amazed to have raised so much, and would like to thank everyone for their support. 

If you would still like to donate to Eddie and help The Kings Arms, Eddie's Justgiving page is:

A huge well done to Eddie!

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Eddie Raises £550 for Youth Charity