
UWS Fundraising Week

Senior Charity

During 1 - 5 October 2018 Churcher’s College will be continuing our fundraising for United World Schools (UWS) Mude. Throughout the week we have a range of ‘mini’ fundraising events that we hope the pupils will take part in. For each event, pupils will be asked to donate 20p to take part in the activity.  For example, 20p to throw a sponge at their favourite member of staff.

We will also have a non-uniform day on Friday 5th October. As usual, pupils will be asked to donate £2 to wear their own clothes for the day. Please be prepared to equip your child with 20 pence coins. The charity committee will also be on hand to change large denominations into 20 pence pieces. 

The week's activity schedule will be:

Soak the teacherWii Mario CartWii Mario CartVisiting speakerUWS tutor time
Welly wangingSweets in a jarCrossbar challengeKirspy Kreme saleBusking competition
   Nepal-themed lunchNon-uniform day

UWS Awareness

The focus is not just on 20p! We will also have a whole school assembly with a visiting speaker from UWS—Anna Tvrz. We look forward to welcoming Anna to Churcher’s College and to hearing about recent changes that have taken place. We will also have a tutor time dedicated to our partnership with UWS Mude. Lastly, our fantastic catering team will be providing a Nepalese themed lunch.

Why UWS?

Education transforms lives: United World Schools works in some of the world's poorest regions to give every child access to free education. They partner with local communities and supporters around the world to teach the unreached. When children in remote and marginalised communities gain access to  basic education, they are gaining access to a better future. The impact of education is far-reaching; educating one child can impact a family for generations to come. 


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UWS Fundraising Week