
Students Raise Over £3000 for Charity

Whole School Charity

On the 1st of December on a very cold night, six students, accompanied by two members of staff took part in a 50-mile walk to raise money and awareness for the charity "Walk with the Wounded".

Six weeks prior to this, Kate Bosher, Liv Shaul, Ciara Chestnutt, Giselle Conran, Kirsty Partridge and Lizzie Rose got together and started raising money for this worthwhile cause. The walk started at 21:30 at the Cenotaph, central London and ended around 16:30 in Petworth in West Sussex.

 The group were walking at a good pace through the early hours of the morning and seeing some wonderful sights and sounds of London, it was very tough and gruelling, yet throughout the whole experience the girls never stopped smiling and cheering each other along through the pain and blistered covered feet.The girls were so far outside their comfort zone, but each of them walked as many miles as their bodies would allow. The 3 who went over the line at the end were not only plucky, but completed it in such great spirit.

To date, the girls have raised over £3000, which is just a fantastic achievement, well done!

For any other donations please have a look at

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Students Raise Over £3000 for Charity